As long as I can remember, I always had a passion for clothing. It all started with my love for beautiful fabrics when I was very young. If I saw a fabric that caught my eye, I would do whatever I could, to cut a piece off and add it to my collection. My mother was also into fashion and I would enjoy going through her closet and admiring her clothes. My mom’s strong sense of fashion was a big influence on me. I decided to follow my only passion, which was my love for clothing.

In 1994 I started my dream to become a designer by attending design school in my country. My first job after finishing my education was sewing dresses in a factory. This is where I learned the basics, from creating clothing from scratch to working with different patterns for custom orders. I eventually volunteered to assist my church to help teach a group of students to create and design clothing. From my involvement, my passion for clothing design just kept growing stronger. I believe my experience of starting at the bottom has made me the great designer I am now.

In 2004 I moved to the United States by myself to advance in my career of becoming a well-known clothing designer. In order to survive, I took on odd jobs. This was very difficult since English was not my first language and I had no one to help me. There were many times I wanted to give up, but my father used to tell me, when you fall down you must pick yourself up, you will be stronger and be able to achieve your dreams. After many years of working multiple jobs and moving around the US, I was able to save enough money to purchase my own commercial sewing machines. This enabled me to begin the process of designing my own clothing. I started off designing lingerie and evening gowns and shipping them around to local businesses in my area. After being successful selling my product at a small level, I decided I was ready to take my business to a larger scale.

My business is tailored to making women feel more beautiful and confident about their bodies while providing them with the maximum amount of comfort. I only buy special order fabrics from select countries in order to achieve a special look and feel for every piece of clothing I create.